The course features safe practice for handling and carriage of in packaged form by sea. This Training is designed to comply with Chapter 1.3 of the 2016 edition of the IMDG Code. The objective is to increase awareness of dangers involved in carriage of dangerous goods and preventive measures that can be adopted for safeguarding the vessel and its crew in case of an eventuality.Participants will understand the purpose of the IMDG code and know how to refer to it in order to comply with the IMDG regulations dealing with the classification, packing, handling, carriage, stowage and segregation of various classes of dangerous goods.
This course aims to create General Awareness and Familiarization with the IMDG Code 2016 Edition - incorporating amendment 38-16, by imparting knowledge related to hazards involved in the carriage of dangerous goods to individuals that will effectively contribute to the safe carriage of these goods at sea.
It meets the general awareness/familiarisation training requirements mentioned in IMDG Code (Chapter 1.3) as well as CFR 49 (Transportation) and STCW sections A-II/1 and A-II/2. It is intended for training all persons engaged in the transport of dangerous goods by sea, particularly seafarers and shore-side personnel.
The IMDG code is the key instrument regulating the transport of dangerous goods by sea and this course seeks to clarify how the code is to be used and the practical purpose the code aims to achieve.It contains both practical and theoretical work with the regulations for the transport and handling of dangerous goods and examines the implementation of the regulations into national legislation.
As per IMDG Code, General awareness and function-specific training for shore-side staff must be timely:
. " Employees shall be trained in accordance with the provisions of 1.3.1 before assuming responsibilities and shall only perform functions, for which required training has not yet been provided, under the direct supervision of a trained person."
The subject matter required by each level of training is detailed in IMDG Code, Section, for general awareness training, and in Section for function-specific training.
(Sections 1.3.1 to are mandatory while Sections to are recommendatory.)
Course Outline
The course focuses on:
. Overview of relevant local, national and international regulations . SOLAS, MARPOL, ISPS, CSC Convention . All sections of the IMDG Code (2016 edition)
. Types and Classifications of Hazardous Cargo;
Divisions and Packing groups . Legal responsibilities of Shippers (incl. ADR in EU)
. UN packaging specification;
. CTU (Cargo Transport Units), marking, labeling and placarding . Safe Handling, Stowage and segregation . Security Provisions
■ Special requirements as per 49 CFR Part 176
■ Emergency Response Information
■ Dos and Don'ts of Hazardous Cargo Handling
As\r\nSection of the IMDG Code is mandatory, General Awareness training is\r\nmeant for all shorebased personnel and operational and support\r\nlevel staff. As such General Awareness training must provide familiarity with\r\nthe general provisions of dangerous goods transport and cover:
• A description of the classes of dangerous\r\ngoods;
• An overview of labeling, marking and\r\nplacarding requirements;
• An overview of packing, stowage,\r\nsegregation and compatibility provisions;
• A description of the purpose and content of\r\ndangerous goods transport documents (such as the Multimodal Dangerous Goods\r\nForm and the Container/Vehicle Packing Certificate); and
• A description of available emergency\r\nresponse documents.
This\r\ntraining is an overview and detailed information is necessary when required by\r\nthe individuals\' specific role(s).
ADR European\r\nAgreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous
\r\n\r\nGoods by Road CSDS Chemical\r\nSafety Data Sheet
\r\n\r\nDG Dangerous\r\nGoods
\r\n\r\nDGL Dangerous\r\nGoods List
\r\n\r\nEDI Electronic\r\nData Interchange
\r\n\r\nEDP Electronic\r\nData Processing
\r\n\r\nERP Emergency\r\nResponse Plan
\r\n\r\nEmS Emergency\r\nSchedule
\r\n\r\nIBC Intermediate\r\nBulk Containers
\r\n\r\nINF Intermediate\r\nRange Nuclear Forces
\r\n\r\nIMDG International\r\nMaritime Dangerous Goods
\r\n\r\nIMO International\r\nMaritime Organization
\r\n\r\nMARPOL International Convention for the\r\nPrevention of Pollution from Ships